Pay only one way truck journeys, move cheaply

Thousands of grouping possibilities to save up to -75%

Thousands of grouping possibilities to save up to -75%
95% of users 95% of users

receive a first quote in less than 10 minutes

A network of 8000 A network of 8000

approved movers

1,943,364 USERS 1,943,364 USERS

trusted us with their moves

Unbeatable price Unbeatable price

Save up to 75% on your removal

800 Million 800 Million

tons of CO2 saved

98% of customers 98% of customers

have been satisfied with our services

Gold Trophy Gold Trophy

Ecommerce 2012 in the Transport and moving category

Eco Innovative Eco Innovative

Certified Green Innovator Company

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The Fretbay Prize
The Market Price
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Moving 40m3 from Paris to London
The Fretbay Prize
The Market Price
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Moving 20m3 from Toulouse to Paris
The Fretbay Prize
The Market Price
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Moving house F3 from Glasgow to London
The Fretbay Prize
The Market Price
Comparison arrow Economy
Furniture from Lyon to Rome

Take advantage of the empty returns and grouped transports made by more than 8000 professional carriers and moving companies through cotransporting™ and make them compete directly on FretBay through underbidding for the best mover rate. It is the ideal site to get a cheap moving quote or a reliable and economical carrier in Europe at the best price. Save up to 75%!

I'm looking for a mover

Finding a mover on FretBay is easy! All you need to do is publish a listing on FretBay for free to receive cheap moving quotes or a transporter rate. Be sure to choose the title carefully on your listing as it is the first thing a mover sees on the ad. Be precise and clear in your request.
Examples "request for a quote for a cheap move in South London", "Search for a mover in Heathrow", "Move 50m3 to Paris",... As soon as your listing is posted, each mover in Europe can send you a quote and make you a price offer for the transport. Then, all you have to do is select the offer from transport service that best suits your needs!

I am a transporter

The functioning of FretBay is very simple.
Every day, hundreds of people publish listings to request a quote for a cheap move, for the transport of private parcels, vehicles or animals. For example "Search private transporter for vehiclez" or "estimate transport for animals by transporter in the UK".
All you have to do is consult the listings corresponding to your travel locations to find loads and deliveries. Then, all that remains is to offer an estimate to the announcer.
Registration and publication of a listing on FretBay are free and without non-binding, take advantage of that!